Things To Know About Writing An Essay

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Things To Know About Writing An Essay

11 July 2018 Academic Academic Essay Examples Academic Essay İntroduction Examples Academic Essay Örnekleri Best Free Grammar Checker Best Grammar Checker Cause-Effect Essay Examples Essay Formatı Essay Samples Essay Structure Essay Types Essay Writing Examples Essay Writing Rules Essay Writing Techniques Essay Written in English Google Grammar Check Grammar Check Program Grammar Checker Academic Grammarly How To İmprove Essay Writing How To Prepare An Outline How To Write An Academic Essay How To Write An Essay Pdf How To Write An Essay Step By Step Paper Check Reason-React Phrases Spell Check Program Techniques The Structure Of Essay Writing Theses What İs an Essay What Is Opınıon Essay 0
You need to write an essay but you are lost? Do not worry! As the The Best Essay team, we are here for you! No matter what the field of the topic of your essay is, we write your essay just the way you want. Here is the list of what kind of processes your essay goes through.

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What is an essay?

Essays are generally written in English the most popular academic language in the world. At the same time essays can be written in other languages as well. Essay topics can diversify. In Turkey “essay” word usually refers to “essay written in English”, or with other words we can tell that essay is “kompozisyon” written in English. Skill of writing essay is one of the most important competencies of students from all around the globe. Because today students are required to write essays in order to skip prep schools, get language certificates and in most general basis to skip their classes.

There are many tactics and techniques to write an essay. One of the tactics is using key words and phrases. For example, before starting to a topic we may use phrases below;

  • Throughout history, the society has been faced with … – Tarih boyunca, insanlar … ile karşı karşıya kalmışlardır.
  • It’s obvious to observe that…- Şüphesiz ki, açıkça görülüyor ki
  • In today’s society –  Bugünün toplumunda  
  • In the twenty first century –  yüz yılda
  • In recent years – geçtiğimiz yıllarda
  • For decades – on yıllar boyunca
  • In the ancient times – antik zamanlarda,
  • Lately –  son zamanlarda


In order to express our own opinion we may use the phrases below;

  • I believe that –  İnanıyorum ki,
  • I strongly believe that – Güçlü bir şekilde inanıyorum ki…
  • I think / In my opinion / From my point of view – Bana göre / Benim bakış açıma göre
  • As far as I am concerned – Bana göre


If we want to give examples about a topic we can use the phrases below;

  • For example / For instance – Örneğin
  • To illustrate – Tanımlamak, resmetmek
  • To demonstrate – Göstermek


If we are going to mention about a condition we can use the conjunctions below;


  • if, even the case, unless, provided the information that


Reason-React phrases;


  • because, as, since, due to,  owing to,  because of, so,  therefore,  as a result,  that is why,  consequently,  for this reason –  çünkü bağlı olarak, bundan dolayı, sonuç olarak, sonuç olarak.


In order to underline the importance of a topic we can use the phrases below;


  • It is worth bearing in mind that – Akılda tutulması gerekir ki…
  • It should be noted that – Vurgulanması gerekir ki…
  • It is essential / crucial / vital that – Gereklidir / önemlidir / hayatidir ki…
  • Above all – Hepsinden önemlisi


As contrast words I use the ones below the most;


  • Whereas : Oysa ki..
  • Instead : Yerine
  • In comparison : Nazaran, karşılaştırıldığında..
  • In contrast : Tersine
  • However : Ama
  • Although / Even though / Though : -e rağmen ( Bu yapılardan sonra cümle kullanılır )
  • Despite / In spite of : -e ragmen ( Bu yapılardan sonra isim ya da gerund ( walking, eating, working etc) kullanılır.
  • On the other hand : Öte yandan
  • But : Ama
  • Yet : Ama





Argumantative essay: In these essay we try to reach a conclusion by examining different arguments, theses, and ideas about a given topic. Probabilities are evaluated on a topic. One party is held and the thesis is defended and other possibilities are dismissed.


Opinion essay: It is an essay type that indicates your ideas about a topic. The Opinion essay is the type of essay in which you have your personal views on the subject given to you.


Persuasive essay: In a certain matter, the aim is to persuade the readers and to encourage them to readers.


Problem solution essay: It is the essay type that describes how to solve the problem about a certain subject.


Advantage/disadvantage essay: It is the essay type that writer explains positive and negative aspects by using a comparative technique.


Classification essay: It is the articles that are analyzed by subdividing a subject.


Definition essay: It is the essay type that writer explains a certain subject by making definitions.



They are essays on a subject on which you defend your views on a controversial subject. It is often used in proficiency exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, Proficiency. Number of words can be 250-2000.





Cues based on cause-effect relationship should be used. If a term or fact expresses certainty, there should not be a possibility or a convincing fact, and if there is a sentence with the same probability or persuasion, the statement of certainty should not be included. Written should not deviate from the main idea. So it should not mentione about irrelevant issues. Writer directly should deal with reasons and results. A quote should be provided to support the information you write.




The first thing to do is choosing the topic.

You should obtain sufficient knowledge about the topic and do research.

The essay will be drafted for the opinion essay after having been thoroughly examined and knowledgeable by the author.

You should draft the ideas, structures and terms you will write in the introduction, development and conclusion paragraphs of the essay. The draft will be prepared by taking note of the important details to be used and the details of the essay to be created.


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