How to Write an Essay for an Argumentative Subject?

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How to Write an Essay for an Argumentative Subject?

23 May 2019 Approach to Essay Writing Avoid in Essay Writing How to Write an Essay for an Argumentative Subject? In a Best Essay 0
Actually, the problem and the solutions require you to specify the reasons for the proposed problem and how it can be prevented or solved. The diversity of problem topics and its solutions can be in very wide interval. In addition to problems such as traffic congestion and obesity, problems such as global warming or climate change can be involved in this problem interval. In other words, an academic problem and solution essay in which the problems of every field are addressed and methods are presented for solution.


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In a best essay, you must argue, formulate an opinion on a specific subject in a written language


Approach to essay writing:

  • Analyze the keywords of the subject
  • Mobilize ideas in the rough. If the subject asks you to analyze the advantages and disadvantages, make 2 columns where you will classify FOR / COUNTER (FOR / AGAINST) arguments
  • Keep only the most relevant ideas, rank them and make a plan based on your opinion (from your conclusion) / chain ideas coherently and logically using transitions and link words (see section below: “Useful vocabulary to write an essay”) / give examples / develop by explaining the causes, the consequences … / always place last the arguments that are consistent with your opinion, so with your conclusion.
  • Write the introduction after making the plan and expressing your opinion only in the conclusion.
  • Use MAY, MIGHT to be less categorical in your affirmations: “We may / might wonder whether … “: we can / could wonder if …
  • Re-read your essay (spelling / punctuation / mistakes you usually make).
  • Indicate the number of words used.


Avoid in essay writing:

  • the clichés
  • to replicate an idea already expressed
  • to make an accumulation of ideas that are not related to each other and that do not follow one another
  • to contradict you (check the coherence)
  • to say: “an important problem”, but rather “a serious problem”
  • to use “good”/”bad”

Good (think of other positive adjectives): excellent, great, fine, serious, interesting, amazing, exciting … |

Bad (think of other negative adjectives); dangerous, boring, hard, difficult …


The essay follows very formal rules:

  • Please present your essay clearly: an introduction, development (at least 2 parts which contain several paragraphs), and the conclusion. Make sure to air your homework: skip a line between introduction and development, and another between development and conclusion. Think to change paragraph every time you change your mind.


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