Problem and Solutions Essays

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Actually, the problem and the solutions require you to specify the reasons for the proposed problem and how it can be prevented or solved. The diversity of problem topics and its solutions can be in very wide interval. In addition to problems such as traffic congestion and obesity, problems such as global warming or climate change can be involved in this problem interval. In other words, an academic problem and solution essay in which the problems of every field are addressed and methods are presented for solution.
You should find good topics in this essay as you do in every essay. The topic you find should not be too general or too narrow. If your topic is too general, each of the reasons for the problem can be examined as an essay topic on its own and what you want to tell cannot be understood in detail. On the contrary, if you choose a very narrow topic, you will always go around the same things. As a result, that you will work on the topics should be logical and should be understandable in terms of examination. When choosing topic for essay, you should also pay attention to the target audience due to the fact that it would not make much sense providing a geography expert with an essay related to mathematical theorems. Therefore, in your choice of topic, you should also consider the target audience.
Once you have identified the problem you want to deal with, you should determine the reasons for the occurrence of the problem according to the amount of impact within the causes of the problem. For example, if you examine the excess of cigarette smoking in turkey as a problem, you need to classify them by reason of their creation, the amount of the effects of the problem. If the prevalence in the family affects 10% at this point, or if the negative impressions on television affect 5%, you should search the reasons that affect more than 25% rather than present the ones that have lower percentages and explain it to the reader in the light of the statistical data.
Once you have identified your reasons about how the problem was occured, you can start looking for solutions now. Before you write essay, record your solution ideas on your outline, that you see when doing the brain storm as well as the reasons. If you can find the arguments for supporting the solution methods you have noted already in your outline, you can use these solution methods based on your research and use them in your essay. The solution you propose should be aimed at eliminating and destroying the causes of the problem. For example, it is not logical that you offer a solution to the problem of cigarette consumption, such as prohibiting tobacco sales in the markets. Because this has an addictive point in human physiology. Instead, you should be more deterred by the problems faced by smokers, such as lung cancer or vascular occlusions that are still unresolved. Our goal is not to persuade, but to solve the problem that exists. That is, we will probably stop smoking if we give the reader a detailed awareness of cigarette consumption. You will write essays in this way to produce a solution proposal surrounding your reasons.
The paragraphs of introduction, body and conclusion should be in this essay. In addition to being full of content, the terminology of the language you use is also important. In addition to being full of content, the terminology of the language you use is also important. You can take note of the notation on the notepad page as a remark, even if the term is partly included. This type essay will be required some certain linkers for paragraph transitions or the integrity of meaning. It is important that you include them in your essay because it helps the reader to provide meaningful integrity. Also, the instructor who will examine the homework looks for these linkers in the essay whether the student used these or not.
At this point, you can be confident that our professional essay team will write your essay assignments carefully and meaningfully by with caring rules of both essay and APA and, will act on transparency and trust. We think that we offer you the best essay assignments that could be possible.
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Academic Problem Essay Best Essay Assignments Conclusion Paragraphs Essay Outline Essay Problems Essay Solution Every Essay Introduction Paragraphs Paragraph Transitions Problem and Solutions Essays Professional Essay Team Solution Essay Solution Methods Solutions Require Topic Essay Type Essay Write Essay