As the ‘The Best Essay’ team, we searched for the ways for our foreign customers to make their payments. We found the ‘TransferWise’ for you: a system through which you don’t need to pay for transfer fees. We are going to introduce the Transferwise step by step and you are going to learn everything you need to know to get your essay writing started! First of all, you need to fill the request form and write ‘(from) abroad’ in the ‘Bank’ part and get the pricing from our experts. Let’s consider that the price is 100 Euros. To pay, go to As you can see from the picture below, you write ‘100’ in the ‘You send’ section. And, in the ‘Recipient’ part, you should write ‘TRY’ (Türk Lirası /Turkish Lira) which is our currency. Then click on the ‘Get Started’ button.

What Determines the Essay Price?

Click here to order your essay When having an essay written, what determines the price? Does the same price tariff apply for each essay? Or are there factors that change this situation? In this article, we will share this information with you. There are a number of factors that determine the price of the essay. You…
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5 November 2018 0